Creating a press kit for your book is a vital step in your marketing and publicity efforts. A well-crafted press kit can significantly enhance your book’s visibility and appeal to media professionals, bloggers, and potential readers. Book Blaster offers a tool called the Press Kit Generator to streamline this process, making it user-friendly and efficient.
Video Tutorial:
Step 1: Logging into Book Blaster
The initial step in creating your press kit involves accessing the Book Blaster dashboard. Here, you’ll use your username and password to log in. In case you’re new to Book Blaster and don’t have an account, the process will require you to sign up first.
After successfully logging in, follow the below steps to create your Press Kit.
Step 2: Press Kit Generator
In the dashboard of Book Blaster, start by locating the “Press Kit Generator” tab. This is where you can create a professional press kit for your book. If your book is already added to your Book Blaster account, simply select it from the available list of books. However, if you find that your book isn’t listed, you will need to add it to your account. This can be done by following this article on how to add your book to Book Blaster, or by navigating to the “Books” section and clicking on “Add,” a necessary step before you can proceed with generating your Press Kit.
Once your book is selected from the dropdown menu, the next step is to click on the “Generate” button. Here, Book Blaster works its magic, crafting a press kit tailored to your book. After the process is complete, Book Blaster will typically send you a notification via email. Alternatively, if you prefer to access it through the platform, there are subsequent steps you can follow to do so.
Step 3: Accessing Press Kits
If you find yourself logged out of Book Blaster, simply log back in to continue.
Once you’re back in, You’d be able to see menu labeled “Press Kits”. Click on it, you will be presented with a list of all the press kits you’ve generated. To view any of these press kits, simply click on the one you’re interested in. This action will open the selected press kit, allowing you to review and utilize it as needed.
A press kit is a crucial tool for promoting your book. It encapsulates important information about your book and yourself as an author in a professional and appealing manner. By utilizing Book Blaster’s Press Kit Generator, you can create a compelling press kit with ease, ensuring that your book gets the attention it deserves in the competitive world of publishing.
Remember, a good press kit can make a significant difference in how your book is perceived and received by the media and potential readers.